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Support and Advocacy

Strategic Compass Point

Progress toward achieving success in Support and Advocacy is guided by the following aspirational statements. Each statement is grounded by multiple near-term goals called Waypoints. As waypoints are achieved, new goals will take their place as identified through the cyclical Compass Process.

  1. Knowledge of Available Resources

    "Student Life staff have expert knowledge of the on- and off-campus resources and support available to students and can confidently and accurately connect them to vital services."

    Waypoint 1 - Student Life will increase staff’s awareness of, and familiarity among, their colleagues, programs and services with enhanced Division and departmental websites, staff bios and contact information as well as through trainings and divisional events.

    1. Student Life leaders will serve as connectors to other divisional and on-campus departments and professionals. These liaisons will ensure that departments and staff considered subject-matter experts will be consulted and engaged as partners to meet standards and maximize resources.

    2. Student Life’s organizational structure will be known and understood. The organizational chart will be accessible to employees. Student Life website will include information to find the best contacts for organizations and services. May 2022

    3. New Student Life Employees will be made familiar with Student Life Departments, services and primary contacts for each area.

    Waypoint 2 - Student Life Staff will be knowledgeable about Campus Safety and Mental Health Resources.

    1. Student Life Staff will be trained to support fellow Mountaineers using first response protocols for student or staff mental health concerns.

    2. Mental Health First Aid or other mental health workshops will be offered to Staff and Students at least three times per semester and at least once during the summer (beginning summer 2021).

    3. Additional mental health training materials, including those with shorter formats and self-paced learning resources will be explored for future development and implementation.

  2. Supporting Our Students

    "Student Life departments and programs consistently support students’ journey from recruitment to career and beyond."

    Waypoint 1 - Student Life departments and programs consistently support students’ journey from recruitment to career and beyond.

    1. Document current efforts by creating an inventory of activities by department. Complete by May 2022

    2. Identify and document special recruitment opportunities within Student Life programs and operations. These include but are not limited to Club Sports, Collegiate Recovery, Adventure WV, Student Engagement and Leadership. Complete by May 2022.

    3. In conjunction with Enrollment Management, review current recruiting strategies and identify new opportunities to use Student Life academic partnerships as a key reason a student chooses to attend WVU. These include but are not limited to Living-Learning Communities.

    Waypoint 2 - Partner with Career Services to develop opportunities to increase students’ awareness of Student Life services as they plan for post-WVU.

    1. Invite Career Services team to Fall 2021 Coffee Break

    2. Participate in a brainstorming exercise with Career Services to generate ideas for functional partnerships and collaboration.

    3. Partner with Career Services in a review of current and future student employee positions for improvements and to include specific skill building for career fields. Complete by July 2022.

    4. Require all Student Life student employee positions to include learning outcomes using CAS, NACE or similar industry standards. December 2023

    5. Require all Student Life student employee positions to include learning outcomes using CAS, NACE or similar industry standards. December 2023