Where can I find a list of licensed childcare centers in Monongalia County?
To find a complete list of child care centers visit childcarecenter.us.
Are online students eligible to apply for the grant?
Are students attending either the Beckley WVU Institute of Technology or Keyser WVU Potomac State College eligible to apply for the CCAP grant?
Not currently as the grant is restricted to the WVU Main Campus in Morgantown, WV. However, many of the WVU resources are available to students on branch campuses.
Are graduate students eligible to apply for child care assistance?
Yes! Graduate students are eligible to apply. Visit the Student Child Care Assistance Program webpage for guidelines and to apply.
Does WVU have a campus-based child development center?
- WVU has a child care center located near the WVU Evansdale Campus, in Krepps Park. It opened in August 2009 and information about the center can be found at WVU Child Learning Center.
- The Mountaineer KidZone, a flex-child care service, is offered at the Student Recreation Center. A staff provides safe and developmentally appropriate activities for young children while their parents are using the facility.
- The WVU Ruby Memorial Hospital has a Child Development Center, which serves only employees of the hospital. The center serves children from 6 weeks old to 10 years old and also maintains a waiting list. The center can be reached at (304) 598-4788.
- The WVU Nursery School, located on the Evansdale campus, is a preschool laboratory that serves community families and provides a training site for students majoring in Child Development & Family Studies. The WVU Nursery School can be reached by calling (304) 293-2110.